Purchase Price - $14,000

General Description

The Frequency Delivery FC-5 Machine represents the fifth and most advanced generation of frequency delivery systems.  The Machine radiates RF electromagnetic energy in the 1.8 MHz to 3.6 MHz range.  User created Frequency Programs on the Display Pad control the output of the Machine. The Machine is sold with no Frequency Programs installed.

Researchers create the Frequency Programs in their own secure, user accounts on this website.  The following variables are available to researchers.

  1. The frequency of the continuous principal sine wave radiated through the antenna.
  2. The frequency of an optional pulse modulation that is added to the principal wave for three cycles of that wave. The pulse spikes the amplitude of the output at intervals set by the pulse frequency.
  3. The amount of time the principal wave and pulse modulation are radiated.
  4. The number of individual segments that make up a single Frequency Program, each segment consisting of a unique principal frequency, pulse modulation, and duration.
  5. Users can create an unlimited number of Frequency Programs.

The Machine is safe, effective, accurate, programmable, and reliable – essential components of meaningful research.

The Machine is safe.  A registered, independent laboratory has certified its components are safe to use around human and animals by conforming to IEEE C95.1 Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human and Animal Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnet Fields in the 3 kHz to 300 GHz range.

The Machine is effective.  The stability and accuracy of the frequencies are exponentially higher at greater distances than in any other machines in the market place.  No longer are researchers limited to single experiments placed within inches of the antenna.  in most ordinary environments, multiple experiments any where within forty or more feet are effective.  Learn more about the potential for distortion caused by electromagnetic energy present in our environment here.

The Machine is accurate. The radiated output of the Machine is certified accurate and stable to within 0.1 Hz of the frequency input by the researcher.

The Machine is programmable. Any frequency is available to the researcher.  If the desired frequency is outside of the 1.8 MHz to 3.6 MHz operating range of the Machine, the Frequency Program Generator will build its resonant frequency to output within the operating range.

The Machine is reliable.The Machine is built by an electronics manufacturer in business since 1992. There is an 18 month Warranty covering all parts and labor.

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – A complete guide to the FC-5 Frequency Delivery System including important safety issues, detailed procedures on how to set up and operate your Machine, what you are authorized to do with it, a discussion on frequencies and how your Machine employs them, and helpful trouble shooting procedures.  The link opens a PDF file so you can download and print it.

TUTORIAL – ASSEMBLING YOUR FC-5  – A visual guide which complements the Operating Instructions showing how to set up the light stand, attach the Antenna to it, connect the Antenna to the Generating Cabinet, and connect the Generating Cabinet to a power source.  There are helpful hints on how to use the light stand to orient the Antenna to suit your needs and how to avoid potential pitfalls.

FREQUENCY PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES – A guide on how to log into your Researcher’s Account on our website, register your FC-5 Frequency Delivery System, and create Frequency Programs that will run on your Machine.  The link opens a PDF file so you can download and print it.

TUTORIAL – FREQUENCY PROGRAMMING A visual guide showing you how to create Frequency Programs in your Researcher’s Account on our website.

CHECKLIST – FREQUENCY PROGRAMMING – A one page cheat sheet on accessing your Research Account on our website and creating Frequency Programs to run on our FC-5.

FREQUENCY  COMPONENTS APP INSTRUCTIONS.  A guide on how to operate the Frequency Components App on your FC-5 Frequency Delivery System.  It contains detailed procedures and illustrations on how to connect the Display Tablet to WiFi, to run, download, and delete Frequency Programs, and to avoid pitfalls.

TUTORIAL – GETTING AROUND YOUR DISPLAY TABLET & CONNECTING TO WI-FI – A visual guide to basic functions on your FC-5 Machine including how to connect the Display Tablet to your Wi-Fi.

TUTORIAL – YOUR FREQUENCY COMPONENTS APP – A visual guide on how to operate the Frequency Components App on your FC-5, download Frequency Programs from your Researcher’s Account, and remove unwanted Frequency Programs from your Display Tablet.

CHECKLIST – FREQUENCY COMPONENTS APP -.  A one page cheat sheet on operating the Frequency Components App on your FC-5 Frequency Delivery System.

How To Buy This Item

Let us know your interest in purchasing this product by completing and sending the contact information shown below.  If you would like to discuss things, please include your telephone number. We will get back to you acknowledging your request.

Here’s how purchasing our products works:

  1. We will send you a proposal outlining the purchase terms.
  2. If you agree, we will send you a DocuSign link whereby you acknowledge the intended use of the products. You can read the Acknowledgement here.
  3. Upon receipt of the executed DocuSign acknowledgement, we will send you an invoice.
  4. You can pay by certified check, by wire transfer (we will send you instructions upon request), or by PayPal.
  5. Upon receipt of the payment, we will ship your product to you.

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