The Future of Frequency Delivery Is Here

Frequency Components is an experienced manufacturing team of electronic, mechanical, and programming engineers dedicated to developing and building effective, accurate, and versatile RF electromagnetic radiation machines and components.

Ongoing interest in the use of electromagnetic frequencies for potential health benefits has increased significantly.  Numerous builders of frequency delivery machines and their disciples have reported antidotal stories that exposure to specific frequencies has produced benefits.  In the past, researchers wanting to subject the use of frequencies to rigorous scientific testing were impeded.  The only machines available to them were inadequate.  Their output was so weak experiments had to be placed within inches of the antenna.  The wave forms were inconsistent and scattered.  The frequencies were unstable and inaccurate.

That has all changed.  Researchers now have the tools they need to generate meaningful results on the potential benefits of exposure to specific frequencies in the RF electromagnetic band.

The FC- 5 Frequency Delivery System represents the team’s fifth and most advanced generation of frequency delivery systems.  The Machine radiates RF electromagnetic energy in the 1.8 MHz to 3.6 MHz range.  User created Frequency Programs on the Display Tablet control the output of the Machine.  The Machine is sold without Frequency Programs installed.

The Machine is safe, effective, accurate, programmable, and reliable – essential features required for meaningful research.

The Machine is safe.  A registered, independent laboratory has certified its components safe to use around human and animals by conforming to IEEE C95.1 Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human and Animal Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnet Fields in the 3 kHz to 300 GHz range.

The Machine is effective.  The accuracy and stability of the frequencies are exponentially higher at greater distances than in any other machines in the market place.  No longer are researchers limited to single experiments placed within inches of the antenna.  Multiple experiments any where within forty or more feet are conclusive.

The Machine is accurate.  The radiated output of the Machine is certified accurate to within 0.1 Hz of the frequency input by the researcher.

The Machine is programmable.  Any frequency is available to the researcher.   If the desired frequency is outside of the 1.8 MHz to 3.6 MHz operating range of the Machine, the Frequency Program Generator will build its resonant frequency to output within the operating range.

The Machine is reliable.  The manufacturer in the team is an experienced builder of electronic machines since 2004.  There is an 18 month Warranty covering all parts and labor.

Intended Use:  Frequency Components’ products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in humans or animals.  The company neither states nor makes any claims that its products can be used in the treatment or mitigation of disease symptoms. The company makes no claims as to the efficacy of any health benefit derived from exposure to its products.  All information provided is for educational purposes only.  None of the material on this website has been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).  The FDA has not authorized the use of the company’s products on humans.